Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photo of the Day : Food, Food and More Food

Because I am not eating any grains, dairy or refined sugar, it means that I need to cook a lot of things from scratch to keep things interesting.  

Luckily for me, one of Corben's favourite lunches is chicken with steamed vegetables:

(51/366 - Chicken, Carrot, Beans and Potato)

With it being Shrove Tuesday on, well, Tuesday, I got an opportunity to try out a grain free pancake recipe that I had been concocting in my head.  Since the whole family love pancakes, I really wanted these to be a hit:

(52/366 - Grain Free Pancake FAIL)
They look pretty good hey?  Shame they tasted AWFUL!  I tried to salvage mine with a bit of mashed banana, but it didn't make them taste any better at all:

Corben had his first trip to the dentist this week and apparently his teeth are looking 'fantastic'.  

This has spurred me on to make changes to Corben's diet also, to include less processed foods.  

Since I would still like special treats to be included in our diets I have been looking for some healthier alternatives, so I made some more banana ice creams but this time I added Avocado.  I can just about hear most of you thinking "yuk!" but they were a HUGE hit in our house:

(53/366 - Banana and Avocado Ice Cream)

In fact they have been such a hit that every time I try to have one, Corben ends up stealing it!

I have also been trying to find things to add a bit of flavour to some of our more basic meals, so this week I ordered basil with our organic food box so I could try my hand at making dairy free pesto:

(54/366 - Basa with Basil Pesto)

I put it on top of some fish and Matty said he liked it, so I guess we will be featuring pesto in some of our weekly meals from now on - yay!

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