Sunday, March 18, 2012

The studio is functional! Whoop Whoop!

Apparently this cold Lexi has is going to hang around a lot longer than any of us would like.  

I started losing the plot from too little sleep early last week, so I decided it was time to do something that would make me happy - getting the studio to a stage where I could start working in it.  I know, it has been a LONG time coming.

The main reason it has taken me longer than I would have liked to get done is because I have been unsure how I could work on it while the kids were around .  But since the weather was nice on Tuesday, I figured I would just try to do a couple of little jobs so I at least felt like I was making progress.

Turns out I didn't need to worry about either of the kids getting into things.  Corben wasn't interested in what was going on in the studio at all.  He spent all his time outside the door making little piles of rocks on the nearby stairs:

(73/366 - OCD Much?)
And as for Lexi.... well she was quite happy to supervise my progress from her rocker:

We worked for hours out there on Tuesday and Wednesday.  It was VERY hard work and required a LOT of "drinks" breaks:

(74/366 - Corben's collection of drink bottles used on a daily basis)

Just when we thought we were making some real progress the weather turned bad, so no more work could be done on the studio during the day.  Instead we turned our hands to craft and made macaroni necklaces:

(75/366  -Macaroni Necklaces)

And since we didn't leave the house on Friday because the weather was still a bit poor, I was forced to resort to the inside of my pantry for the photo of the day:

(76/366 - A pantry stocked with grains and processed junk!)

Secretly I was hoping that showing the whole world the current state of my pantry would be enough motivation to clean it out.  Apparently I was wrong.  It's still a disgrace!

The weather on the weekend was much more conducive to working on the studio and guess what?  I got it to a stage where I can work in it! Huzzah!

I am not quite ready to show you it in all of it's glory, but here is a bit of a peek at something I will be showing you tomorrow:

(78/366 - A collection of vintage and new fabrics)

I have a pile of things to show and tell you this week, so make sure you keep popping back so you don't miss out!

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